Results for 'Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato'

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  1.  49
    The Confucian Roots of Business Kyosei.Calvin M. Boardman & Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (4):317 - 333.
    Kyosei, a traditional Japanese concept, has been applied to a variety subjects, from biology to business. It has more recently become synonymous with the concepts of corporate responsibility, ethical decision making, stakeholder maximization, and responsible reciprocity. The purpose of this paper is to trace kyosei's modern business application back to ancient Confucian thought. The ideals associated with Confucianism were instrumental in the creation of Japanese business codes of ethics during the early part of the seventeenth century. A short history of (...)
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    The light‐driven sodium ion pump: A new player in rhodopsin research.Hideaki E. Kato, Keiichi Inoue, Hideki Kandori & Osamu Nureki - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1274-1282.
    Rhodopsins are one of the most studied photoreceptor protein families, and ion‐translocating rhodopsins, both pumps and channels, have recently attracted broad attention because of the development of optogenetics. Recently, a new functional class of ion‐pumping rhodopsins, an outward Na+ pump, was discovered, and following structural and functional studies enable us to compare three functionally different ion‐pumping rhodopsins: outward proton pump, inward Cl− pump, and outward Na+ pump. Here, we review the current knowledge on structure‐function relationships in these three light‐driven pumps, (...)
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  3. Haideggā ni okeru gijutsu no mondai.Kiyoshi Katō - 1975
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  4. Dōtoku no kōyō.Kiyoshi Katō - 1970
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  5. Atarashii kyōiku tetsugaku: sonzai kara no apurōchi.Kiyoshi Katō - 1983 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Nishida’s Bow: Evaluating Nishida’s Wartime Actions.Elizabeth McManaman Tyler - 2019 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (1):19-33.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines Nishida’s later work on the historical world and religious transformation in an effort to clarify his political writings during the Pacific War. It sheds new light on the debate over the interpretation of Nishida’s wartime actions through reflection on a brief interaction Nishida had with the student Kiyoshi Kato during World War II. Shinran’s influence on Nishida will also be analyzed to reveal that the moral and religious insufficiency of the practitioner is a key aspect (...)
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  7. Katō Hiroyuki jijoden.Hiroyuki Katō - 1915
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  8. Isan to shite no Miki Kiyoshi.Mahito Kiyoshi (ed.) - 2008 - Tōkyō: Dōjidaisha.
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  9. Katō Tadashi zenshū.Tadashi Katō - 1963 - Edited by Munemutsu Yamada.
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  10. Miki Kiyoshi zenshū.Kiyoshi Miki - 1966 - Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Hyōe Ōuchi.
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  11. Miki Kiyoshi shū.Kiyoshi Miki - 1975 - Edited by Kazuhiko Sumiya.
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  12.  13
    Kants Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit: Versuch einer anti-realistischen Interpretation der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Kiyoshi Chiba - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Diese Abhandlung verteidigt gegen die heute vorherrschenden realistischen Interpretationen des kantischen transzendentalen Idealismus eine anti-realistische Zwei-Welten-Interpretation. Durch konkrete Textanalysen wird gezeigt, dass die realistische Interpretation an der Antinomienlehre und dem vierten Paralogismus (A) scheitern muss, während die anti-realistische Interpretation erlaubt, die Kritik der reinen Vernunft im Ganzen zu einer kohärenten Sinneinheit zu strukturieren. Anschließend wird der konkrete Gehalt von Kants anti-realistischer Ontologie der raumzeitlichen Wirklichkeit erhellt. Dafür entwickelt der Verfasser eine intuitionistische Wahrheitskonzeption (ein empirisches Gegenstück der Wahrheitskonzeption des mathematischen Intuitionismus), (...)
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    How Snowden’s revelations have influenced youngsters’ attitude and behaviour in the PRC and Taiwan.Kiyoshi Murata, Yasunori Fukuta, Andrew A. Adams & Dang Ronghua - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):213-231.
    Purpose This study aims to investigate how Snowden’s revelations are viewed by young people in the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan through questionnaire surveys of and follow-up interviews with university students in the two countries, taking into account the histories and current status of state surveillance in these countries and the current complicated and delicate cross-strait relationships. Design/methodology/approach Questionnaire surveys of 315 PRC and 111 Taiwanese university students and semi-structured follow-up interviews with 16 master’s course students from the PRC (...)
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  14. Myth.Kiyoshi Miki & John Krummel - 2016 - Social Imaginaries 2 (1):25-69.
    “Myth” comprises the first chapter of the book, The Logic of the Imagination, by Miki Kiyoshi. In this chapter Miki analyzes the significance of myth (shinwa) as possessing a certain reality despite being “fictions.” He begins by broadening the meaning of the imagination to argue for a logic of the imagination that involves expressive action or poiesis (production) in general, of which myth is one important product. The imagination gathers in myth material from the environing world lived by the (...)
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    Kant’s Concept of Dignity.Yasushi Kato & Gerhard Schönrich (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Nearly all philosophers refer to Kant when debating the concept of dignity, and many approve of Kant’s conception, unaware of the tensions between Kant’s conception and the modern idea of dignity intimately connected to the idea of human rights. What exactly is Kant's conception of dignity? Is there a connecting tie between dignity and the legal sphere of human rights at all? Does Kant’s concept refer to a superior status human beings seem to own in comparison to non-rational beings? Or (...)
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  16.  4
    Ningen no "inochi" o kangaeru: jinrui idengaku, iden rinshō, seimei rinrigaku no tachiba kara.Hideaki Chiyo - 2018 - Ōsaka-shi: Medikarudu.
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  17. Shoshi hyakka to saguru ningenron.Kiyoshi Chigira - 1976 - Kodansha Shuppan Sabisu Senta.
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  18. Shisōsen dansō.Kiyoshi Fujita - 1943 - [Japan: [S.N.].
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  19. Minshū rinri shisō no kokusai hikaku kenkyū.Kiyoshi Fukawa - 2004 - Okayama-shi: Nishi Nihon Hōki Shuppan.
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  20.  3
    Niji to kaze to: hontō no kyōiku to wa nani ka o kangaeru.Kiyoshi Futami - 1989 - Tōkyō: Asu Shuppan.
  21.  14
    "messianity Makes A Person Useful": Describing Differences In A Japanese Religion In Brazil.Matsuoka Hideaki - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (1-2):77-102.
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  22. Tanabe tetsugaku kenkyū: shūkyō tetsugaku no kanten kara.Kiyoshi Himi - 1990 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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    Effectiveness of school-based brief cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness in improving the mental health of adolescents in a Japanese school setting: A preliminary study.Kiun Kato, Yuki Matsumoto & Yoshiyuki Hirano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundEmotional regulation is important for adolescents’ adaptive development. Preventive interventions for anxiety and depression are necessary for reducing the development of disorders later in life, and emotional regulation is a potentially relevant factor.ObjectiveWe investigated the effects of a mindfulness-based psychological education and prevention program [the Mindfulness and Awareness Program ] on the mental health of junior high school students in Japan.MethodsOur MAP primarily focused on mindfulness meditation to improve emotional regulation, thereby reducing depression and anxiety. The MAP comprised eight sessions (...)
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    Ningen to kōkenshin.Hisatake Katō (ed.) - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Fuyō Shobō Shuppan.
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    Landscape as Doctrinal Representation: The Sacred Place of Shūyōdan Hōseikai.Hideaki Matsuoka & 松岡秀明 - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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    Quantum systems in chemistry and physics: progress in methods and applications.Kiyoshi Nishikawa (ed.) - 2012 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Progress in Methods and Applications is a collection of 33 selected papers from the scientific contributions presented at the 16th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (QSCP-XVI), held at Ishikawa Prefecture Museum of Art in Kanazawa, Japan, from September 11th to 17th, 2011. The volume discusses the state of the art, new trends, and the future of methods in molecular quantum mechanics and their applications to a wide range of problems in (...)
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  27. Taiwa, ningen no kensetsu.Kiyoshi Oka - 1965 - Edited by Hideo Kobayashi.
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  28.  10
    2002 Busan Asian Games Sport Science Congress.Hideaki Onuki - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 24 (2):51-54.
  29.  16
    Report: World Dance 2000 Choreography Today.Hideaki Onuki - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 22 (2):39-44.
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  30.  46
    Zum Wandel der Leibniz-Rezeption im Denken Heideggers.Kiyoshi Sakai - 1993 - Heidegger Studies 9:97-124.
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    Seunghoon Emilia Heo, Reconciling Enemy States in Europe and Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.Hideaki Shinoda - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (3):449-451.
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    Facial Cosmetics Exert a Greater Influence on Processing of the Mouth Relative to the Eyes: Evidence from the N170 Event-Related Potential Component.Hideaki Tanaka - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33. Dai Nihon seishin.Hideaki Tomioka - 1935
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  34.  9
    Following Snowden: a cross-cultural study on the social impact of Snowden’s revelations.Kiyoshi Murata, Andrew A. Adams & Ana María Lara Palma - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):183-196.
    Purpose This paper aims to introduce a cross-cultural study of the views and implications of Snowden’s revelations about NSA/GCHQ surveillance practices, undertaken through surveys administered in eight countries. The aims and academic and social significance are explained, and justification is offered for the methods used. Design/methodology/approach Pilot surveys were deployed in two countries, following which revised versions were deployed in eight countries. Quantitative analysis of suitable answer sets and quantitative analysis were performed. Findings Through the pilot survey studies conducted in (...)
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  35. Examination of the Coping Flexibility Hypothesis Using the Coping Flexibility Scale-Revised.Tsukasa Kato - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Coping flexibility, as defined by the dual-process theory, refers to one’s ability to relinquish a coping strategy recognized as ineffective—abandonment—and to devise and implement an alternative and more effective strategy—re-coping. The coping flexibility hypothesis dictates that richer coping flexibility produces more adaptive outcomes caused by stress responses, such as reduced psychological and physical dysfunction. We tested the reliability and validity of the Coping Flexibility Scale-Revised and the CFH using the CFS-R, which was developed to measure coping flexibility. In total, we (...)
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  36.  29
    Miki Kyoshi's The logic of imagination: a critical introduction and translation.Kiyoshi Miki & John Krummel - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by John W. M. Krummel.
    One of the central figures in the Kyoto School, Miki Kiyoshi wrote Logic of Imagination as a series of articles between 1937 and 1943. Translating this seminal work into English for the first time, with contextual notes throughout, this book features an introduction and biographical information about the author. Miki's thinking about the imagination illuminates our contemporary understanding of technology and how we behave in the world.
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  37.  19
    The proper objective and the accidental objective of gymnastik^|^ecirc; in Aristotle's theory of physical education.Hideaki Hayashi - 1989 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 11 (2):137-147.
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  38.  40
    La philosophie de Hajime Tanabe.Kiyoshi Himi - 1993 - Études Phénoménologiques 9 (18):87-113.
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  39. Ansai Sensei to Nihon seishin.Kiyoshi Hiraizumi (ed.) - 1932 - Tōkyō: Shibundō.
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  40. Nihon seishin kōen shū.Kiyoshi Hiraizumi - 1934 - Edited by Seizō Kōno & Tadayoshi Khiira.
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  41. Gendai rinrigaku.Kiyoshi Ikenaga (ed.) - 1979
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  42. Jikanron no puroburemātiku.Hideaki Iwano - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin.
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  43.  23
    Evolution of haemoglobin studied by protein engineering.Kiyoshi Nagai, Ben Luisi & Daniel Shih - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (2‐3):79-82.
    Vertebrate haemoglobin (Hb), the oxygen‐carrying protein of the blood, consists of two α‐ and two β‐subunits, each containing one haem, and shows cooperative oxygen binding known as the haem–haem interaction. The amino‐acid sequences of Hbs found in different species have diverged considerably and the homology in the most distantly related ones is only 40%. How can such varied amino‐acid sequences give rise to similar three‐dimensional structures and functional properties? To what extent do amino‐acid replacements affect the structure of haemoglobin? Which (...)
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    Politics for the Domain of Dance in Schools.Hideaki Onuki - 2004 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 26 (2):1-12.
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    Report of the joint symposium in the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Japanese Society of Physical Education.Hideaki Onuki & Hideaki Hayashi - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 22 (1):37-44.
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  46. Sōzōryoku no bigaku.Kiyoshi Shimizu - 1977
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  47.  14
    Few youngsters would follow Snowden’s lead in Japan.Kiyoshi Murata, Yasunori Fukuta, Yohko Orito & Andrew A. Adams - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):197-212.
    PurposeThis paper aims to deal with the attitudes towards and social impact of Edward Snowden’s revelations in Japan, taking the Japanese socio-cultural and political environment surrounding privacy and state surveillance into account.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire survey of 1,820 university students and semi-structured follow-up interviews with 56 respondents were conducted, in addition to reviews of the literature on privacy and state surveillance in Japan. The outcomes of the survey were statistically analysed, and qualitative analyses of the interview results were also performed.FindingsSnowden’s revelations have (...)
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    Myth.Miki Kiyoshi & John W. M. Krummel - 2016 - Social Imaginaries 2 (1):25-69.
    “Myth” comprises the first chapter of the book, The Logic of the Imagination, by Miki Kiyoshi.In this chapter Miki analyzes the significance of myth (shinwa) as possessing a certain reality despite being “fictions.” He begins by broadening the meaning of the imagination to argue for a logic of the imagination that involves expressive action or poiesis (production) in general, of which myth is one important product. The imagination gathers in myth material from the environing world lived by the social (...)
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  49. Plato on Self-Predication of "the fine"–"Hippias Major" 292, e6-7.Motoaki Kato - 1995 - Bigaku 45 (4):12-22.
    In Plato's "Hippias Major" 292e6-7, we can find a self-predication sentence; "The fine is always fine." (We have similar expressions in "Protagoras" 330c4-6, 330d8-el, "Lysis" 220b6-7.) How should we interpret this sentence? We cannot give it any metaphysical meaning drawn from Plato's own theory of Form, which is explicit in his middle dialogues. "The fine" here should be the logical cause, not the one of the metaphysical essentials (cf. Paul Woodruff's "Plateo Hippias Major", p. 150). So taking a sentence like (...)
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  50.  36
    The Myth of Media Interactivity.Kiyoshi Abe - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):73-88.
    Since the 1980s, a number of discourses have celebrated the coming of the information society in Japan. In those discourses, enabling media interactivity has been emphasized as the objective of tec...
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